Sid Valley Memory Café is a friendly, social meeting place for people with all forms of memory problems and their families and friends. We meet every Wednesday at Twyford House in Sidmouth.

In this section, you can find out more about what a Memory Café is and who it is for. If you are interested in joining us, then learn more about when and where we meet and who runs the memory café.

We do not charge people to join our Memory Café, as we are funded through personal donations, grants and other fundraising activities.

Sid Valley Memory Cafe is a member of Devon Memory Cafe Consortium, a network that provides a wealth of further, in depth information about living with dementia and the memory cafe movement. You can find it here

Who is the Memory Cafe for what can we expect?

The Memory Cafe is for people living with dementia and their carers.

When and where do we meet and how do we join?

Every Wednesday from 2:00 – 3:45pm at Twyford House, Sidmouth.

What happens each week at the Memory Cafe?

Something for everyone – from local history to singing – with a break for tea and cakes!

How much does the Memory Café cost?

There is no charge for our service. However, we regularly organise trips out, lunches and other activities which may incur a cost.